Friday, August 31, 2007

The True Meaning of Merdeka.

"Silly string: 3 for RM10."

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

South Africa doesn't want your help.

The scariest bit is that she won her state's pageant.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dear Comrades.

This is my (much overdue) reply to Aaron's post about communism which was a reply to my claims that community service can only lead to communism. Enjoy.

Comrade say "Oh, my Mao", but is really evil fat lie of capitalist for to undermine Glorious Independant Happy Socialist Republic of the People. Is not "my Mao" or "your Mao", comrade! Is really everybody's Mao! "Yours" and "mine" is corrupt thinking of Imperialist west! Soon, you are wanting things like safety helmet and fried chicken!

Remember comrades; Never saying "my Mao"! Is always "our Mao"!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Because I'm lazy.

For the lack of a better post subject, I'm going to give a certain web game some much-deserved publicity.

I'm not going to write you a review, but if I took the trouble to link it on my blog, you can tell it's great. All I'll tell you is that if you're not laughing, it's probably because you're not intelligent enough to get the jokes.

Oh. It's also had me hooked for two years and counting.

Are you happy now, Basil?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Chick Lit.

People tell me that the "lit" is short for literature, but I am convinced that this is not the case, as such nonsense cannot count as literature. Now, for brevity's sake, I will narrow my criticism down to teen chick lit.

Teen chick lit claims to be about the lives and dreams of modern teenage girls everywhere. This is rubbish. It is really about American or British girls who are rich enough to live reasonably well, but deprived enough to allow them to despise the upper crust. Some people would argue "Not all chick lit is about upper-middle-class white kids!", but this is merely because some authors are kind enough to allow people of another nationality and social status to be shallow, self-absorbed twits.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


"Some people are more retarded than others"

That sentence has been taken out of context; Most likely dragged out kicking and screaming, beaten up and then thrown into a seedy back alley.

She was talking about Down's Syndrome, by the way.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Oh, look! A post!

And now... a haiku.

Some people tell me
"Go and update your blog lah!",
But I say "Screw it" "Scratch that".

It took me about 20 seconds to write that. Cut me some slack.