Sunday, December 31, 2006

It's coming, whether you like it or not

Personally, I don't. I really don't have much to look forward to in the coming year. I'm taking PMR in a school I don't like, in which I'm a prefect, which is a job I hate (Don't ask me why I'm holding on to it, because I'm not sure either). But really, is '07 gonna care? I think not. It's coming whether or not we're ready for it ..which is apparently in 9 minutes. So, happy new year, I guess.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Leaving for a bit

Yep, that's right. I'll be leaving for Thailand (of all places) tomorrow.. *cough* err.. today, sorry. Not being home for Christmas is gonna suck quite a bit lot, but on the bright side, I'll get to see Thai Christmas.. Haha.. Yeah, I can hear you rolling your eyes. Santa with elephants instead of reindeer? Who knows? On a completely different note, I got new shoes. Yay.


Merry Christmas!

See you on the 27th.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The following is a Public Service Announcement

I wear light grey Converse Chuck Taylors. The problem is, people keep asking me "Daniel, why are you wearing your school shoes?". They think I just dirtied my school shoes to the point where they're a nice even grey. Silly Ignorant people. There is a difference between Converse All Star and North Star, All American, and all those other Converse spoofs.. Wait, no there isn't. That's the problem! They all copied Converse.

Note: I do not wear my Chuck Taylors to school.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So, I'm finally posting on YC Camp, 3 days after. Our camp speaker, Andrew Gray, was awesome... A nice change from the "lah"s and "loh"s of Malaysian speakers. Haha, anyway, there was also lot's of loud music.. Yeah, I can almost hear you yelling "HEATHEN!".. Don't get me wrong, I'm not missing the point of praise & worship, I'm just appreciating the music =).

Oh yeah, this year's camp experience was quite different from last year's.. It seems that most of the FGA people signed up for 2nd camp, so there were lots of unfamiliar faces at camp. Not really a bad thing, because I met lots of new people, from as far as Johor.

And last but (definitely) not least, being a dorm leader was... very interesting. Not sure if someone up in the camp comittee has a grudge against me (Maybe my brother.. Hmm, I wonder...), but half of my dorm was filled with "la-la"s.. Haha. Much of their free time was spent posing, basketball, and prank-calling... Sometimes even two at once. But fortunately, they weren't too much trouble. So all in all, camp was a great experience. I'm still waiting for the next one.

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to say this: My dorm was short of linens! Thanks a lot, Aaron. You totally didn't screw up. =)

Pigs in mud! Yeeeaaahh! (You'll only get it if you were in the camp. The first one.)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Now you know.

Ever wonder which urinal to pick? Whether or not to flush? Why my posts are so random? Well, two out of three of those questions will be answered in the helpful educational video below.

Now you know.

I'll update about YC camp whenever I feel like it, dammint.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

YC camp is nigh

So, Youth Camp is tomorrow, and I'm *almost* done packing. 4 days and 3 nights of fuzzy goodness. And apparently, I've been made a dorm leader, so things are gonna be interesting. By "interesting", I mean being woken up in the middle of the night by the cold sting of shaving cream and toothpaste on your face. I am, however, prepared: a full can of shaving cream and a tube of Colgate, and I'm not afraid to use 'em. Start running.

Oh yeah, the drawing thingy has been moved. There's a link on the blog sidebar. If you can't find it, you don't deserve to use it.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Online Vandalism?

Hey, check out It's sort of like Paint, only it's online! So, it's pretty cool, being able to share your drawings with other people, and letting them add to it (This also means that they can screw up your drawings beyong recognition). Check out my work of "art", Santa. Add on to it, improve it, whatever.

EDIT: Someone killed Santa =( I'm still gonna be doodling there, though.

Alternatively, doodle here instead. You know you want to.


Friday, December 08, 2006

This Christmas...

All I want for Christmas is...
... something to do
... a life
... PMR to be cancelled due to matters beyond the government's control
... for Crazy Frog to burn and die (I mean it)

That's all I've got.. for now. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Just needed to say that...

Friendster blogs are evil. They have ads, they have limited editing options and they smell funny.

You heard the man.

Monday, December 04, 2006

"Community Service"? Right...

This is what we were really doing.

The person doing the tickling is our troop leader, by the way..

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Can't really think of anything to put up here, but since I promised you an update, I'll leave you with this hamster (video). Enjoy.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Aftermath

So.. after a day of community service, I've lived to tell you the tale. We weren't too busy today, because there were some other volunteers there. So, basically sitting around with the rest of the guys from my troop, with 5 GameBoys and 2 MP3s to be shared among 8 people. After hours and hours of handheld gaming, music and serving the occasional customer, it was time to pack up. And so concluded another 12 hours of community service. Here are some photos to help you understand what we were really doing.

Me, hard at work.

No one quite knew what we were doing at this point.