Thursday, June 07, 2007


I'm "it". Curse you, Cedric. Curse you.

5 things found in your bag
-Miscellaneous papers.

5 things found in your purse/wallet
-Photostated IC.
-Multiple calendars.
-Guitar picks.
-Stale receipts.

5 favorite things in your room
-My bed.
-My bass guitar.
-Um.. Me?

5 types of humans There are only two types of humans:
-Everyone else.

5 things you've always wanted to do
-Live somewhere else.
-Ignore tags.
-Fly. (..what?)
-Get PMR over and done with.
-See if the Coke and Mentos thing really works.

5 things you're currently into
-Laughing at emo and/or goth kids.
-Bass guitar.
-You. *wink wink*

5 people you tag
-As I do not believe in the concept of "tag", your question is meaningless and cannot be answered.

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