Friday, December 01, 2006

The Aftermath

So.. after a day of community service, I've lived to tell you the tale. We weren't too busy today, because there were some other volunteers there. So, basically sitting around with the rest of the guys from my troop, with 5 GameBoys and 2 MP3s to be shared among 8 people. After hours and hours of handheld gaming, music and serving the occasional customer, it was time to pack up. And so concluded another 12 hours of community service. Here are some photos to help you understand what we were really doing.

Me, hard at work.

No one quite knew what we were doing at this point.

1 comment:

Aaron Sim said...

Oh my Mao!

(I is proud Communist; no believe in fake,capitalist lie of "God".Is all big capitalist dog fib -- to corrupt comrade's pure white socialist mind.Me ask you, what is "God" opposite-way? DOG! ha! Capitalist DOG!Is one big Capitalist dog secret conspiracy.I no tell lie,i swear by Mao.)

You dare make small grumble for to servicing community?? It HONOR to sweat, to bleed, for sake of Glorious Independant Socialist Republic of the People.Hard labor good--good for to liberate comrade's brain from corrupt capitalist fibs!I make example.. Sugar.Is evil capitalist lie!!!you think, what harm to me use sugar in my standard issue Independant Socialist tea??Many harm!Sugar is powerful capitalist happy drug,make you feel many big joy,but in process,smash brain with big sweet hammer.You start think there maybe do exist capitalist "God".MANY harm.That is why Dear Leader Mao be make selfless act, drink his Earl Grey tea with five lump sugar every morning.For YOUR sake, he make use his superior mental and digestive ability to liberate rest of dirty capitalist world.One packet Earl Grey, five lump sugar at a time.